Unapologetically Amber: Living Life, Unfiltered

What a Week: Inauguration, Snow Days, Sick Pup, and Self-Care

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Well, what a week it has been! Between work, school, and life in general, I’ve barely had time to sit down and write anything that wasn’t a school or work obligation. But here we are—let’s recap everything that’s been going on.

A Historic Monday
This past Monday was both Martin Luther King Jr. Day and the inauguration of the 47th President of the United States. Regardless of where you stand politically, there’s something undeniably beautiful about the ceremony. It’s a powerful reminder of democracy in action, and I always find myself feeling a little inspired by it.

Winter Weather Hits Charleston
Tuesday night brought some unexpected winter excitement to the Charleston, SC area—3.5 inches of snow and a layer of ice! The kids were released early for a half day, just in case the weather arrived ahead of schedule, but thankfully the snow didn’t start falling until later that night.

Have the kids been back to school since then? Nope. But they’ve been troopers, tackling their e-learning assignments without complaint. I’m proud of my teen boys for their resilience—they just got it done without grumbling.

As for me, I’m less thrilled about the cold. Between dripping faucets to protect the pipes and cranking up the heat, I’m already bracing myself for higher gas and water bills this month. Southern winters are no joke when freezing temps decide to show up!

Tank Trouble
Speaking of challenges, our dog Tank has been under the weather this week. He’s been throwing up on and off for a couple of days, and while this isn’t totally out of character for him, it’s still concerning. We’ve tried switching foods and doing everything we can think of, but Tank remains our little mystery pup.

He’s also been extra grumpy, which has meant keeping him separated from Dunkin (our other dog). Normally, Tank’s a good boy, but when he’s not feeling well, he can be… a handful. Here’s hoping he perks up soon.

Capstone Crunch and Health Hurdles
In other news, I finished the first chapter of my Capstone project! It was a sprint—I only had a week to complete it—but I managed to turn it in four days early. To say I’m relieved would be an understatement. That said, all those long writing sessions have left me with a lingering headache that won’t quit.

Part of the problem is that I’m overdue for my migraine Botox treatment—I haven’t had it in two quarters now. I called my doctor to ask about alternative treatments, and while the staff was super nice, the earliest appointment available is nine months away. Thankfully, a nurse is supposed to call me to help sort things out. Fingers crossed for a better solution soon!

Adding to the fun, my left leg has been aching and feels like it’s burning when I touch it. Sciatica? Winter weather woes? Who knows? For now, I’m just trying to stay warm and manage the discomfort.

Looking Ahead
After a whirlwind of a week, I decided to take today off and focus on some much-needed rest. I’m curling up with a blanket and finishing the last few pages of Good Vibes, Good Life. (Keep an eye out for a book review soon!) After that, I might dive into another book or maybe watch a movie. Who knows? The world is my oyster!

I hope you’re all staying warm and taking care of yourselves. Wishing you a peaceful and restful weekend.

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