Unapologetically Amber: Living Life, Unfiltered

Thankful Thursday

The title of this blog came to me this morning as I was reflecting on the things I’m truly thankful for. It felt fitting, though I have to admit, I also found it funny to call it “Thankful Thursday,” or simply TT. You see, my nephews call me TT because when they were younger, they couldn’t quite manage “Auntie Amber.” (Side note: Imagine me saying “Auntie Amber” in a posh British accent—now remember I’m a Southern American woman and have a good chuckle.) So, TT it is, and it’s become a term of endearment I hold dear.

Now, just because I’ve titled this post “Thankful Thursday” doesn’t mean this will become a recurring theme—but hey, you never know! Sometimes you just need a space to let gratitude flow, and today is one of those days.

Gratitude Amid the Chaos

Last night, I couldn’t sleep. Back pain had me tossing and turning, so I did what many of us do in the quiet hours: I scrolled through TikTok. As I was scrolling, I came across videos of the wildfires raging in California. The images were heartbreaking—families losing their homes, their belongings, their sense of stability. First, I felt incredibly thankful that I don’t live in an area affected by fires annually. But even more, I was struck with gratitude for the first responders.

Imagine the courage it takes to rush toward danger while everyone else flees. These brave individuals put their lives on the line to protect others, not knowing what might happen next. And let’s not forget the emotional toll their families endure, waiting anxiously for their loved ones to come home safely. First responders are true heroes, and I pray for their safety and strength. Their sacrifice and service deserve our deepest gratitude.

Thankful for Warmth

As I continued scrolling, I came across posts about the arctic weather sweeping across the United States. It’s a sobering reminder of how fortunate I am to have a warm home and a roof over my head. Here in Charleston, SC, we’re expecting cold rain and chilly air, but many parts of the country are facing severe snow and ice. I’ve lived through ice storms before and seen firsthand how the weight of ice can knock down trees, destroy power lines, and leave people without heat. It’s a scary, isolating experience.

I’m deeply thankful for the volunteers who run warming stations and work tirelessly to help homeless individuals find shelter. Their compassion and dedication bring light to some of the darkest moments. I pray for those who are bracing for the storm and hope everyone can find a way to stay safe and warm.

In Awe of Kindness

Another video that caught my eye featured the Amish building tiny homes in Asheville, NC, for families affected by Hurricane Helene. What an incredible act of generosity and community. These individuals saw a need and simply acted—no hesitation, no waiting for someone else to step in. That kind of selflessness is humbling.

Driving through the areas devastated by the hurricane last year was a sobering experience. The landscape was unrecognizable in places. Seeing the scars left behind by the storm brought me to tears. It was as though I could feel the collective pain and fear of the people who had lived through it. The resilience of those affected—and the kindness of those who step up to help—are powerful reminders of humanity’s capacity for good.

Paying It Forward

As I reflect on all of this, I’m struck by how fortunate I am to be safe and unaffected by these disasters. But I also recognize that none of us is immune to hardship. One day, I might face something devastating, and when that time comes, I hope there will be good people willing to help, just as so many are helping now.

I often tell my husband that if I were a millionaire, I’d spend my days doing philanthropic work, finding ways to alleviate others’ burdens. But even without millions, I can still make a difference. Supporting charities and organizations that help those in need is something I can do now, and it’s something I’ll continue to do.

For Those in Need

If you’re reading this and find yourself in need, please don’t hesitate to reach out. There are so many resources available, and I’d be happy to help you connect with them. Whether it’s a comment here or a message through the contact page, know that you’re not alone.

Let’s continue to be thankful, to show kindness, and to lift each other up—on Thursdays and every day.

4 responses to “Thankful Thursday”

  1. Nancy Ann Avatar
    Nancy Ann

    Such a wonderful post reminding us to see the many blessings we have to be grateful for 💕

    1. Amber Avatar

      Thank you so much for your sweet comments! I hope you have a wonderful day. – Amber

  2. Krystin Avatar

    So good! Your penmanship is wonderful. Can’t wait to read more!

    1. Amber Avatar

      Thank you so much Krystin!!