Unapologetically Amber: Living Life, Unfiltered

Saturday Platter Day and Tackling the To-Do List

Saturdays have become synonymous with “Platter Day” for me, thanks to @Fidantok on TikTok. Her Saturday tradition of skipping cooking in favor of platters feels like a genius idea—especially when you find yourself without dinner plans like I am today. Luckily, it’s only 2:00 in the afternoon, so I still have time to figure things out.

While dreaming of a no-cook platter evening, I’ve been tackling my monthly to-do list. This year, I committed to maintaining a more organized house, and while I’ve made progress, my house doesn’t feel quite as clean as I’d like. Blame it on the dog shedding enough fur to build another pet or the muddy paw prints from yesterday’s rainstorm. But hey, progress is progress, right?

Chipping Away at the List

Here’s a peek at what I’ve managed to accomplish so far:

  1. Stocked Up on Cleaning Supplies
    First stop: Target. I walked out with one bag and a bill just shy of $50. Ridiculously overpriced? Absolutely. Necessary? Unfortunately, yes.
  2. Groceries on a Budget
    Instead of wandering aimlessly through the aisles and spending double, I ordered groceries online. It’s one of my tricks for sticking to a budget. Do you have tips for keeping grocery shopping under control?
  3. Decluttering and Donating
    Back home, I tackled the fridge and freezer, wiped everything down, and reorganized. Then I moved on to the pantry, where I pulled out items we’ll never use and donated them to a local food pantry box. Seeing the box completely empty broke my heart, but it felt good knowing I filled one side with items for someone in need.
  4. Towels, Windows, and Trash Cans
    Next up, I threw towels into the wash, sanitized the dishwasher, and cleaned all the downstairs windows. I also took the time to sanitize the trash cans—a chore I always dread but love once it’s done. Somewhere in the middle of all that, I paused for a snack—avocado hummus with pretzels. So good!

A Quick Note

This post isn’t about bragging or showing off what I’ve done. It’s simply a place for me to hold myself accountable and put my thoughts down. Honestly, this motivation might not last—and that’s okay. I just want to share some of my goals and to-dos, as well as how I’m working toward them.

I’d love to hear about your goals too and how you’re achieving them! Let’s celebrate each other.

Also, if you have teens or kids, how do you motivate them to help around the house? Mine are either asleep or playing video games. And the lack of towels in their bathroom? A little concerning.

Wrapping Up

Thank you for reading while I take a little break from my list. I still need to figure out dinner and attempt to clean the floors. The puppies are finally asleep, so the real question is: do I want to disturb them with the vacuum or not?

Drop your thoughts below—I’d love to hear from you!

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