This week has been long. School has been daunting, and I’m realizing just how right people were when they said earning a doctorate is one of the hardest things they’ve ever done. They weren’t lying! What makes it even more complicated is navigating an academic world that’s integrating AI into almost everything. The higher education community really needs to have a conversation about how AI operates—because it all comes down to human language. With AI woven into so many platforms, defining what’s considered an “AI-generated response” versus effective use of technology has become tricky. This has been an ongoing discussion among my peers, and I think it needs more attention.
On top of school, work has been exhausting, too. We’re in our busy season, and while there’s so much to do, I will say we’re actually in a good spot. Next week will probably be just as hectic, but one thing at a time, right? We also have some special-called meetings and other public meetings that require minutes. And, of course, that’s my job. Secret confession time: finance meetings are the worst for me. They’re like listening to paint dry. I know they’re important, and I respect the people who love them, but personally? Not my thing. Maybe this is why I hate dealing with my own finances? Food for thought.
A Book Festival to Remember
Now, onto something that actually brought me joy this week—the Summerville Book Festival! It was hosted by Main Street Reads, our local bookstore, and it was so much fun. I won’t lie, I was nervous about what to expect, especially meeting two of my favorite authors. You never know how that’s going to go. But let me tell you—Grady Hendrix and Stacy Willingham were two of the nicest people I have ever met.
Beyond that, I met so many amazing local authors and, naturally, bought their books. I walked away with thirteen new books! I’m beyond excited to start reading them, though let’s be real—I have a huge to-read pile, so it may take a while. I doubt I’ll get through all of them this year, but I will get to them eventually.
A Much-Needed Day Off & A Reading Goal (Kind Of)
Today is Sunday, and tomorrow is Presidents’ Day, which means another day off! I so need it. I’ve had a headache for the past four days, and I’m really hoping it passes soon.
It’s also a stormy, rainy day, which honestly makes for the perfect excuse to stay inside. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone in Tennessee and Kentucky experiencing flooding. My only real goals for today? Run some errands, attempt to get ahead on schoolwork, and maybe get some reading done.
I originally set a goal to read two books per month, but let’s be real—that’s not happening in February, and that’s okay. My main goal is to at least finish You Are a Badass before the end of the month. I’ve been struggling to find time to read, and I really want to change that.
A Hard Decision About Tank
Speaking of struggles, this part is hard to write. Our puppy, Tank, has become really territorial—especially over my husband. He has randomly attacked our other dog, Dunkin, mostly when he thinks there’s food involved, but sometimes unprovoked. He’s also become possessive over our bed, and I can’t even sit next to Jason without Tank jumping in between us.
He has growled at me a few times—not too bad—but he’s also done the same to Liam and possibly Miles. I don’t think Miles would even tell us if it happened because he loves Tank so much.
After weeks of thinking it over, I finally reached out to our rescue about surrendering him. But after talking to them, I realized they don’t have a place for him. All their fosters have kids, and they don’t feel safe placing him in a home with children. The possibility of behavioral euthanasia was even mentioned, and I just can’t bring myself to do that. There has to be another option.
So, tomorrow, we’re taking him to the vet to discuss possibilities. Maybe something like puppy Prozac? I don’t know—I’m not a vet. But I’m hoping they can help us figure out a way for him to be the best boy he can be.
Ending on a Lighter Note
I think that’s all I’ve got for this week. Oh, wait—a new 90 Day Fiancé starts tonight, so maybe I’ll have something interesting to write about next time.
What about you? How was your week? Any big plans for next week? Let me know!
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